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Getting to know the abnormal condition of amniotic fluid

Amniotic fluid allows the fetus to float in the amniotic sac during the womb so the fetus can move. This clear, yellowish liquid also gives room for fetal growth and protection of the fetus from physical injury. One of the changes that occur in a woman's body during pregnancy is the formation of pockets and amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid starts to form approximately after 12 days from the process of fertilization. During a pregnancy check, the amniotic fluid volume is routinely checked to find out whether it is still at normal levels, too much, or too little. This is because the amount of amniotic fluid reflects the health condition of the fetus. The examination was carried out using ultrasonography (USG). Amniotic fluid or amniotic fluid is useful as a cushion that protects the fetus from external injury or sudden movements. This liquid is also useful to maintain the temperature around the fetus to keep it warm and stable. Another function is to help the fetal bones, muscles, digestive system, and lungs to grow properly.

Abnormal Amniotic Water Conditions

Normal amniotic water volume is in the range of 60 milliliters (mL) when the pregnancy is 12 weeks old, 175 mL at 16 weeks, and 400-1200 mL at 34-38 weeks gestation. But there are some pregnant women who have abnormal amniotic volume, whether it's too little or too much.
  • Too much amniotic fluid

  • Medically, this condition is called polyhydramnios. Polyhydramnios is a common form of complications experienced by pregnant women. Most pregnant women with polyhydramnios can give birth to healthy babies, but it is advisable to still not ignore this condition. Polyhydramnios can increase the risk of a breech baby, even being born prematurely. Pregnant women are also at risk of bleeding after giving birth. The cause of too much amniotic fluid is not yet known with certainty, but the following risk factors are related to the occurrence of polyhydramnios.
  • Congenital abnormalities in the fetus. One of them is related to the ability to swallow a fetus. When in the womb, the fetus will swallow amniotic fluid and then urinate. This can maintain the stability of the amniotic water volume. If the fetus is unable to swallow due to genetic defects, amniotic fluid will accumulate.
  • Pregnant women have diabetes. High blood glucose levels can cause a buildup of amniotic fluid.
  • Contains twin babies who have twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome. This causes an increase in amniotic fluid in recipient twins and decreased amniotic fluid in donors.
  • Rhesus blood between mother and fetus is different (rhesus incompatibility). This can sometimes make the fetus experience anemia.
  • Problems with the baby's heart. Can be a congenital heart defect.
  • Infection in pregnancy.
To detect it early, it is necessary to have a pregnancy check up to the doctor regularly. If your stomach feels big and tight with shortness of breath, see a doctor immediately.
  • Too little amniotic fluid

  • The condition of amniotic fluid is too little known as oligohydramnios. This condition is sometimes difficult to predict its appearance, but it is more susceptible to occur at the end of pregnancy. Slight amniotic fluid indicates that there is a possibility of placental failure or impaired fetal development. Too little amniotic fluid can occur due to several factors:
  • Pregnancy complications, such as in pregnant women who have high blood pressure, dehydration, preeclampsia, and diabetes.
  • Pregnancy through the month (gestational age exceeds 41 weeks).
  • Pregnant women who consume certain drugs, such as angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE).
  • Placental abruption, which means the placenta is separated from the uterine wall.
  • Amniotic membrane
  • Problems in the fetus, such as genetic disorders. Oligohydramnios conditions can be known from the examination of the amniotic fluid volume using ultrasound. If you are diagnosed with oligohydramnios, you may need to drink more water, especially if you are dehydrated. Additionally, injection of amniotic fluid or amnioinfusion may be needed. This treatment is carried out by a doctor by giving saline fluid that is injected into the wall of the amniotic sac.
  • Premature rupture of membranes

  • In some pregnant women, amniotic fluid can rupture before pregnancy reaches the age of 37 weeks. The earlier this occurs, the more serious the condition of the mother and fetus. This condition is called premature rupture of membranes. The cause is often unknown, but some of the following risk factors may trigger premature rupture of the membranes.
  • Having an infection in the vagina, uterus, or cervix.
  • Pregnant women have a smoking habit.
  • Pregnant women have had surgery or cervical biopsy.
  • Have experienced this condition in a previous pregnancy. If you feel water flowing from the vagina, either slowly or spurting, take a cloth to absorb the liquid. Kiss the aroma, amniotic fluid does not smell urine. If after kissing it turns out it is not urine, seek medical help immediately. If the membranes break early at gestational age above 37 weeks, you can do labor. If it occurs between 34 to 37 weeks, your doctor will likely do an induction to speed up the delivery process. However, if the membranes rupture before 34 weeks' gestation, your doctor will probably hold back so that labor does not occur. You will usually be instructed to have a total rest. Maybe the doctor will also give antibiotics to prevent infection or corticosteroid drugs so that the baby's lungs can grow better. After the baby's lung condition is detected better, labor can be performed.
  • Color abnormal amniotic fluid

  • If it is nearing the date of delivery, the membranes can rupture spontaneously or spontaneously. The amniotic fluid that comes out is normally white, turbid to yellowish and odorless. Tell your doctor or nurse if the amniotic fluid that comes out is greenish, smells bad, or is mixed with lots of blood. Abnormal colored amniotic fluid such as greenish, yellowish, thick, foul-smelling, or if there is a fever during pregnancy, may indicate abnormalities in the fetus or infection in the membranes. This condition requires immediate treatment.
Recognize the signs of abnormal amniotic fluid so that pregnant women can immediately get help to prevent further complications. Therefore it is important to routinely perform a pregnancy check-up to the obstetrician or midwife to ensure the condition of a healthy and smooth pregnancy.
